Witches In The Bible
We serve an awesome God who speaks and acts in supernatural ways. There is only one way that Satan can hurt God. The devil hurts God by hurting you. He offers a cheap and broken copy of everything the Lord has provided. Witchcraft, divination, mediums, and fortune-telling are cheap copies of the ways God speaks. The Bible never suggests that they are not real, only that seeking them is a gross and abhorrent sin.

In the scripture, it is always forbidden. I have seen Christians get taken in by modern-day mediums and It is absolutely a cheap copy of the peace and comfort that is available to us as Christians. Anytime one venture into the supernatural by any means other than a life that is submitted to God in grace and obedience is interacting with powers that are designed to lead them away from God and into pain.
King Saul toward the beginning of his reign is rejected as king because he rebelled against God and it is “as witchcraft” 1 Sam 15:23

Ironically, at the end of Saul’s reign and life, he blatantly engages the services of a witch/medium to, gets this, hears from God. God had already spoken to Saul in Chapter 15 and many other places that his family would not be the ruling power in Israel. Unhappy with that word he asks again and God does not speak.
I have had many conversations where people want a word from the Lord that is different than what God said in the Bible. That is wildly dangerous since if you long to believe a lie, your mind will find a way to do it. Remember, the most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves.
The Rock, Your Place to Belong
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