Climbing Out Of Depression

When you come to Christ, and you experience this in your life, and you have this moment in time when you get to know him. He is so good and incredibly excellent, and he washes you clean for the first time in your life. There is no guilt or shame as he washed you and make you new, and everything is beautiful and impressive.

But eventually in every Christian life something happens, sometimes it’s a prayer that doesn’t get answered or sometimes it’s a sin that is crippling, and we hit the dip, and we begin to go down in the slope. Have you ever lived a moment in your life when you say “God this isn’t fair either you’re not there or you don’t care”?

In the scripture, what we see are people having all kinds of pain. But if you’re the one in pain and you experienced that moment and asked God, “Why are you letting this to happen to me? Why are you giving me hurt like this? And that is the dip. That’s the moment you begin to doubt and wonder you find yourself in the slope. It’s the crisis of belief, and you want to get back to that incredible feeling.

James 1:2

2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

How many of us like to be perfect, complete, and not needing anything? To be accurate, complete, and not needing anything is a pretty bold claim. James is making sure where you get it well by rejoicing in trials and leaning into trials by saying, “God, I’m going to find you in this difficult time.

Getting out of the dip is not impossible because you don’t have to live with it forever that’s the good news. There is a good day coming.

Habakkuk 3:2

2 I have heard all about you, Lord.

    I am filled with awe by your marvelous works.

In this time of our deep need,

    help us again as you did in years gone by.

And in your anger,

    remember your mercy.

Keep us alive, renew, revive, and restore Lord, do what only you can do. God builds that faith in you so when you’re in the dip, remember that God is powerful, able to get you through this. If God, can’t answer your prayers, there is a reason for it; we know we can trust God. Don’t get mad and stomp off don’t quit when you’re in the dip. When you’re not getting what you want, there is a reason for it. We know we can trust, God.

God can handle your questions he can handle your anger he can even handle your doubt, what he doesn’t want to control is your apathy, and he doesn’t want to manage your rebellious heart. He doesn’t put up with that, but you lean into it you can be honest with him with all of your emotions you can tell him about your doubts you can say to him about your anger he is big enough to handle.

Trusting doesn’t mean you don’t have doubts doesn’t mean your emotions aren’t in a jumble trust God. Rejoice and trust God and say, “God, all I want is to know you and love you forever. God, you are ultimately faithful.”

Where are you in the dip right now?

Just remember, God is good, and he is fantastic, and he is only as good as you think he is. God can handle your questions, keep leaning into him, have faith, and trust him.