The story of the Bible, the most amazing book in the world!

The Bible is by far the most amazing and influential book that exists.

Sixty-six Books—One Cohesive Story

The most amazing fact about the Bible has to be its many authors. It contains 66 books, yet is one cohesive story. It was written and composed over a period of 1,300 years and it does not contradict itself. Contradiction is possible when you take things out of context. You can make the case that it does contradict itself. Likewise, if you take things out of context in this very short article you can make it sound like I am contradicting myself. But of course, I am not contradicting myself. In my last sentence you could give it a spin and make it seem like I just said something completely different than what I really did. The Bible is absolutely true and perfect.

Where Human Beings Fit

In the great creation that takes place at the beginning of the Bible human beings play a unique and important role. In the Genesis account, God creates with a simple word and everything is formed at the sound of his voice. However, when it comes time to create man, God fashions him out of clay and then the scripture says that God breathes into him. Made in this special way—literally breathed into life by God—mankind is blessed with an intellect and the ability to choose. We get to determine whether we will serve God or not.

Mankind’s Failure and God’s Plan

Adam and Eve choose knowledge over obedience. Sin entered the world and separated them from God. Prior to this, it was their custom to walk and talk with God face to face. As a result of sin, they can no longer be in the presence of God. Thankfully, our father immediately put a plan in place. Prophecies about the coming Messiah begin in the book of Genesis. The rest of the Old Testament demonstrates that man can never find his way back to God in his own power.

Jesus Comes on the Scene

The scripture teaches that Jesus is God. He was present during the creation, and even appears in the Old Testament. The way he is born into this world, via a virgin maiden, he retains his divinity but is also “the Son of man.” Because he is the Son of man and he faces every temptation common to man, he is uniquely qualified to break the curse of sin and death. Jesus—being 100% man and 100% God at the same time—takes every sin that every person would ever commit upon his shoulders and dies in our place. Now, when people confess and repent of their sins, they take advantage of the sacrifice that Jesus made. This is the great victory. God is once again in intimate fellowship with his creation.

It’s Still Hard but in the Last Chapter We Win

It’s still difficult to be a Christian. We know that our world is going to get much worse before it gets better. We see in the book of Revelation great trials and tribulations. No one understands everything in the book of Revelation. The important thing is we win. There will come a day when Jesus the almighty Son of God will have total and complete victory over the earth. Not only will we be forgiven of our sin, but the desire to sin will be completely eradicated. We get to spend forever in heaven with the Lord of lords, in the king of kings, my best friend, Jesus!

The Rock, your place to belong

At the Rock, you can belong before you believe. Use the links to the right to begin your relationship with Rock Church. If you are local to Fargo, click the “free movie ticket” button to check the right and out one of our services, every Sunday at 10 AM, at West Acres Cinema. If you are not local to our area, that’s okay. There are all kinds of ways that you can participate in the happenings at Rock Church. We have many people that only interact with our church online. Use the “become a friend” button to be included in everything we are doing.