Called Baffling by scholars. We know he wrote at the end of his life. We know he was not serving God at the end of his life.

It is the inspired Word Of God to see the vanity of a life that had everything without obedience. In the Old testament there Is not much of a concept of the after life.This was a primary argument Jesus had with the Pharisees. Everything is vanity if there is no eternity.
REPETITION is a standard device in Hebrew for making connections between sections and verses or bringing special emphasis to an idea. CATCHWORDS are a specific instance of repetition. They often account for the linking or pairing of individual sayings. SYNONYMS are sometimes piled up in Proverbs to convey the power and splendor of wisdom.
You can belong before you believe
Our motto—which we love to put on signs and t-shirts—is “at the Rock you belong before you believe.” We believe that we can love and respect people without having to agree. So, even if you don’t believe in God at all, we would like to have you as part of our family. We trust God to reveal himself to you through the preaching and the way we live our lives.