When life kicks us and pushes us down, those are the times that we feel most isolated. You go to church, and nobody talks to you. Are people ignoring you, or does your mental state make it seem that way? It doesn’t matter, because you feel completely alone. You can be in a crowded room of people who love you and still feel alone. However, there is a way to never stand alone.
Created for connection, drifting to isolation
God created us to have a connection with others.
You belong here. Our motto at Rock church is, “You can belong before you believe.” Not only is the rock a place for you to belong, but you don’t have to change to belong here. At some churches, everybody is the same. That is not the case with us.
Brick by brick, stone by stone, Jesus is building your life into an architectural masterpiece. Blocks get their strength through their connection. Just like a brick, you are intended to enjoy a relationship with others.
In some ways, we are the most connected generation that has ever lived. Through social media, we instantly connect with hundreds, even thousands of people in a moment. Yet, sociologists tell us that we are living more isolated than ever before. Depression and loneliness are getting worse, not better. We all tend to drift toward isolation.
Our Most important relationship
The excellent news is, as Christians we have the solution. Our most important relationship will always be our relationship with God. I’m not talking about a casual flippant relationship, but one that is dedicated and surrendered to him. After the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years, Moses died. God told Joshua that it was time to go into the promised land. As they approached the Jordan River, God told Joshua to set up 12 stones as a memorial. Joshua 4:21-23

It is our relationship with God that makes all the difference.
I have new stones to lay down
Yesterday, West Fargo held its annual parade. It is by far the largest parade in our area and has become an important rallying point for our church. We stretched to afford it this year. But because it is so important to us, I bought T-shirts, candy and banners for the parade. The previous Wednesday night, we had a fantastic group of people from our church stapling invitations to church to 8,000 pieces of candy. At 3:00 AM, the day before the parade, I woke up with an icy hand of fear gripping my heart. I had forgotten to register for the parade. Knowing I had failed everybody, I went to City Hall first thing the day before the parade. Long story short, they would not allow us to be a part of the parade.
That was not a good moment for me. I fell apart for a moment. A voice in my head told me that everybody would see me as an idiot fraud. I’m smart enough to know that when you screw up, you need to own it and look people right in the eyes as much as possible. So, I started driving around town, talking to the people I could, and calling the rest. I should have known this, but they were far more gracious than I expected. Nobody called me names. Nobody chewed me out. Everyone I talked to loved me and forgave me.
One of our amazing people, Sandy, had an idea. Why don’t we walk the parade route without afloat and still hand out our candy and talk to people? When she said that, I have to tell you it felt like the sun came out. Thank you, Jesus, we have a plan to make lemonade out of all of my smashed lemons.
So, yesterday we had a fantastic day talking to people and inviting them to church. We handed out 7,950 fun-size candy bars with an invitation to church stapled to them. Because we did not have afloat, we were able to interact with people in a far more relaxed, meaningful way. We had people’s attention because we walked back through the parade, so most of the people hadn’t seen the parade yet. We had their undivided attention and were the first ones to give them any candy. 🙂 I think next year we’re going to do some things differently as a result.
Rely on people; everybody needs somebody
We need to rely on people—but it can’t be just anybody. It has to be the right people.
How do you find the right people? The best place to find people you can count on is to begin serving somehow, someway at church. Nothing finds you together with quality brothers and sisters like serving God side-by-side. You will have someone when you are going through hard times. Not only that—your problems will seem smaller as you pour into the lives of others.
Release your life
1. Everyone needs God
2. Everybody needs somebody
3. Somebody needs you
Your pain and your life will lead to someone’s victory. Not only are you created uniquely by God for a purpose, but God will also even use your pain as a club to bludgeon the devil off of other people’s lives. Your God is so amazing, and he will use the pain and brokenness in your life as medicine to somebody else. The people you love won’t have to hurt like you hurt because God used your life to bring healing.
The Rock, your place to belong
At the Rock, you can belong before you believe. Use the links to the right to begin your relationship with Rock Church. If you are local to Fargo, click the “free movie ticket” button to the right and check out one of our services, every Sunday at 10 AM, at West Acres Cinema. If you are not local to our area, that’s okay. There are all kinds of ways that you can participate in the happenings at Rock Church. We have many people that only interact with our church online. Use the “become a friend” button to be included in everything we are doing.